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General Statement of Occupational Health & Safety Policy

Rubynest recognises and accepts its duty to comply with all Health & Safety Legislation applicable to the organisation’s business activities. In addition to meeting our legal responsibilities we are committed, in a cost effective and structured manner, to continuous improvements in our Health & Safety performance and to embrace it as an integral part of our overall business discipline. Progress will be monitored through annual management review.
Rubynest’s Managing Director, who is ultimately responsible for Occupational Health & Safety, pays particular attention to:
  • The establishment, maintenance and documenting of procedures for hazard identification, assessment of risks and implementation and regular review of necessary control measures.
  • Provision and maintenance of plant, equipment and materials that are safe for our employees or others who may be affected by our business activities.
  • Arrangements for ensuring health and safety in connection with the use, handling, storage and transportation of all materials and substances.
  • Provision of such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure employees are competent to carry out their duties and responsibilities.
  • Maintenance of any place of work (including clients’ premises) in a condition that is safe as far as is reasonably practical.
  • Regular consultation with employees on matters relating to their health or safety at work.
  • Provision of appropriate health assessment and surveillance of employees, as required.
  • Provision of adequate and appropriate resources to implement and maintain this policy.
  • Setting, implementing, reviewing and internal publishing of annual Health & Safety plans and objectives.
  • The establishment of monitoring procedures and periodic audits of compliance to the Health & Safety policy within their business.
Rubynest places the management of Occupational Health & Safety as a prime responsibility of the Managing Director.
Disciplinary action which could lead to dismissal may be taken against any employee who violates the safety procedures.
All employees have a responsibility for their own and that of any other person who may be affected by their work activities.
This policy will be kept up to date, particularly as the business changes in nature and size. To ensure this, the policy and the way in which it has operated will be reviewed at least every year. This statement of policy and responsibilities will be issued to all employees and displayed on the company notice boards.
